As stated
in our initial
proposal we have achieved the following.
- Filters
- Colorspace Conversion
- Blur
- Laplacian
- Sharpen
- Gabor oriented filters
- Any kernel of any size
- Gaussian and Laplacian Pyramids
- Data Packing
- Color conversion, pack 2 pixels in 1, supported
'pack' filters, and unpack
- Edge Detection
- Canny
- Laplacian of Gaussian
- Feature Detection
- Image Segmentation
- Isoperimetric graph partition
- Matrix Operations
- Min/Max
- Dense Matrix Multiplication
- Sparse Matrix Multiplication
- Vector-Matrix Multiplication
- Vector Dot Product
- Conjugate Gradient Solver
The filters, color conversion, edge detection and feature
detection was developed by Michael Lehr, and the Matrix
operations and Image Segmentation was developed by Ikkjin
Ahn. |
Ikkjin Ahn, Michael Lehr
July 1, 2005
| |