If you would like to contribute please e-mail
us at gpuvision@gmail.com.
Most any new development that can be included in the package.
There are three major types of development for GPUVision:
- Filter/MatrixOps User: This development
is focused on creating tools on top of the filters
and matrix operations that are already provided. Light
knowledge of OpenGL is useful but not required because
you can just copy the OpenGL setup that is provided
in the examples. This development is geared either
towards creating product-like functionality or more
complicated libraries.
- Filter/MatrixOps Creator: This
development is focused towards creating new filters,
matrix operations or a new base type. Knowledge of
CG and OpenGL is required, although a lot of the headaches
of ping-pong and down-and-dirty OpenGL is not needed.
- GPUVision Developer: This development
is focused towards debugging and developing the core
GPUVision package. This will bring new functionality
and design patterns to the package as well as porting
to other OS's and languages. Full knowledge of CG,
Graphics Cards, OpenGL and other languages are required.
The first two types of development can be performed fully
offline without our knowledge and you can just e-mail
it in, although we are very interested in what you are
doing. We may be able to give pointers or be able to change
the core GPUVision package to support your needs.
If you would like to help develop GPUVision core please
e-mail us and
we will add you to the sourceforge development team.
When creating new packages, screenshots and an explanation
of the package will speed up the inclusion into the GPUVision
Ikkjin Ahn, Michael Lehr
July 1, 2005
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